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性學大師艾佛金賽 (連恩尼遜飾演) 親身經歷改編,一名挑戰真相勇往直前的傳奇人物,大膽揭開人性底層行為的神祕面紗。1948 年金賽博士以《人類男性的性行為》一書改變了美國大眾對性的認知。他用獨門的性學面談、自由心證等科學方法改良蒐證技巧在全球博得美名,但同時卻對他虔誠的基督教家庭造成困擾。金賽出身於哈佛大學動物學家,以研究黃蜂行為聞名,在前往印地安那大學任教生物學時認識了聰明、熱情的女學生克萊拉 (蘿拉琳妮飾演),並結為夫妻,在他任教的過程中,驚訝發現到記載人類性行為的文獻嚴重不足,當有學生來向他諮詢關於性的問題時,並沒有臨床研究足以佐證解決這些棘手問題。為了能用最精確的科學方法來檢視問題,金賽博士聘請來最堅強的研究團隊,包含 Clyde Martin (彼得塞斯嘉飾演),Wardell Pomeroy (克里斯歐唐納飾演) 以及 Paul Gebhard (提姆西荷頓飾演) 等人,他們改良了面談技巧,讓人們能在無所畏懼、羞恥心甚至罪惡感的情況下暢所欲言,當金賽博士在 1948 年出版了他的第一本著作《人類男性的性行為》,立即引起了各界騷動,學界紛紛以原子彈來形容本書威力,然而五零年代韓戰爆發,社會風氣日趨保守,他的續作對於女性性行為的研究成為對美國善良風俗的嚴苛打擊,在輿論壓力下,基金會中止了對他們研究計畫的贊助,而金賽的健康狀況也在此時亮起了紅燈。金賽博士一心建立起的性愛烏托邦,也在人心底層嫉妒與猜忌心作祟下瀕臨破碎。 感想


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2006-03-12 碩班同門聚餐


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早睡早起 好心「肝」

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May 3, 2006
Two Honduran hotties observe military parachutists during an international exercise in Tamara, some 24 miles (38 km) north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Wednesday, May 3, 2006. More than 90 military parachutists from 12 American nations participated in exercises that are being carried out to prepare for natural disasters. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Members of the Honduran Army observe a military parachutist during an international exercise in Tamara, some 24 miles (38 km) north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Wednesday, May 3, 2006. More than 90 military parachutists from 12 American nations participated in exercises that are being carried out to prepare for natural disasters. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)


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April 27, 2006
Paratroopers from the United States, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands board a C-130 Hercules at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, on Thursday, April 27, 2006. Three days of jumps were scheduled using air transports from the 37th Airlift Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. John E. Lasky)
Paratroopers from the United States, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands jump from a C-130 Hercules near Alzey, Germany, on Thursday, April 27, 2006. Three days of jumps were scheduled using air transports from the 37th Airlift Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. John E. Lasky)


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May 1st, 2006
Security forces in full battle gear guard the gates of the presidential palace in Manila 01 May 2006 to thwart possible May Day violence as thousands of protesters fanned across the streets.Police and military forces are on full alert to prevent any violence amid intelligence reports that political foes of incumbent Gloria Arroyo could use the May Day rallies to foment destabilization plots. AFP PHOTO/Jay DIRECTO (Photo credit should read JAY DIRECTO/AFP/***** Images)
Slightly armed soldiers from the Presidential Security Group guard the premises of Malacanang Palace in Manila in anticipation of massive protests planned to celebrate International Labor Day and the 3rd anniversary of the "people's uprising" when thousands of supporters of ousted President Joseph Estrada marched and tried to storm the Presidential Palace on Labor Day Monday May 1, 2006. Thousands of Labor Day protesters vowed to defy a ban on rallies and are to march towards later in the day for a massive protest in honor of the workers worldwide. Thousands of police and troops are on highest state of alert as they ringed the Palace Monday. .(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
A an armed soldier from the Presidential Security Group guard the premises of Malacanang Palace in Manila in anticipation of massive protests planned to celebrate International Labor Day and the 3rd anniversary of the "people's uprising" when thousands of supporters of ousted President Joseph Estrada marched and tried to storm the Presidential Palace on Labor Day Monday May 1, 2006. Thousands of Labor Day protesters vowed to defy a ban on rallies and are to march towards later in the day for a massive protest in honor of the workers worldwide. Thousands of police and troops are on highest state of alert as they ringed the Palace Monday. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)


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山水靜好、天地無語的上高地林間供人行走的棧道不同顏色的無臉兒各有不同的祝福這是最標準的紅孩兒,代表家庭美滿、夫妻和樂最善於偽裝的Hello Ketty也來扮演紅孩兒連合掌村的木屋也找上紅孩兒軋上一角上高地的感覺很像台灣的溪頭空氣清新山水秀麗剛下過雨的林間清涼舒適走在木頭棧道上頗為悠閒自在此地的代表人物是無臉的紅孩兒祈福家庭美滿夫妻和樂我在當地看到很多不同的相關裝飾特別拍下來與大家分享


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